Here are 5 steps you should use to guide your decisions and actions.

1. Identify which of the 4 types of traffic you’re going to focus on.  Again, it depends mostly on what you prefer, the resources you have, and what you’re willing to invest (either time or money).

2. Create an overall strategy to guide your actions. For example, if you want 100 sales (at 2% conversions) then you’re going to need 5000 visits each month. Great – how are you going to get them? Break that number down by identifying where you’re already getting traffic, or which tactics need to increase to make up the difference.

3. Now narrow down to the individual channels you’re going to use. Measure their performance, and figure out how much you can improve each. For example, to increase visits from Facebook you could post more frequently, use better headlines and images, or try to increase engagement by running contests. Or maybe you’re all tapped out on your existing channels, so you need to start using new ones like Google AdWords or Facebook Advertising. These are small examples, but hopefully you get the picture.

4. Turn the “winning tactics” into a repeatable process. Now figure out how you can you scale these winning tactics.  Maybe you can use tools to automate and schedule social media posts. Or perhaps you can hire someone to help you do a lot of the manual labor.

5. Measure, test and iterate to find new tactics with a better ROI. You always want to be on the lookout for new tactics that will give you better results, for less time and money invested.  So you should look around and see if there are new tactics or techniques you can use. Start small by investing only a little as a test, and watch your key metrics. For example, how much traffic does it send? And how is that traffic converting?

Based on Case Study: How to Generate More Traffic,


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